

My English language learning experience at university has been a little boring because I thought I was going to be exempted so it wasn't a course I expected to have, but It was nice remembering some grammar rules, vocabulary and other ways of saying words I already known. The classes were very complete, but I think they had some lack of grammar resume o practicing that part and not so much the vocabulary part. I remember my classmates had problems saying the things in the right time rather than having problems saying common words. I think the use of blogs is a really good idea because you can express your opinion freely of any given topic. Also the I think the option of posting pictures is very fun. I think the aspects of my English that I could improve is my speaking fluency. This is because I have trouble translating the idea I think in my head to english and say it. Sometimes I am very slow to say some things. I hope to remember this fluency to speaking in the next semester cour


My study programme consist in a eduacational curriculum that is based on two cycles. The first cycle is about the courses that conform the base of the  career like social phylosophy, social psychology, anthropology, history of the modern society, Introduction to the sociology, social history of Latin America, sociological theory.  About the workload, the career is simple if you have time. The key is organization to not get bad calcifications. The courses are distributed in a way that you have to study 5-6 hours per week for each one. And about the length of studies, the career has a duration of 10 semesters, meaning, five years to have the title of sociologist.  When it comes to the faculty facilities, FACSO has two buildings next to each other. One of them is for the teacher council and administrative, and the other one is for the students and for making classes. The technology in the faculty isn`t the best of all but it has the proper spaces for developing the educational process. Ev


When i think of the idea of time traveling to the future I get a little bit anxious, so i have never think of it before.  If i could get the chance to time traveling to the future, i definitely would like to travel about 10 years in the future for different reasons.  Regarding my life, i would like to know what would become of it in the future specifically in 10 years. I want to know where i am going to be at work, if i will have a job and if I will like it.  Regarding the social aspect, I would like to know how many of my friends today will still be in my life in 10 more years, if i will have more or less. And regarding the family, i would like to know how my parents are. In 10 more years I would also like to know what kind of country and world we will live in. If it will be a more polluted world or not, if it in our country it will be possible to live in a better way and without inequalities, and if it would like us or not. Only knowing those types of things,  I  will be able to say

My Dream Job

When I think about the kind of job I want to have in the future, I think in one which I will be able to have time to recreate myself and do the things I also love besides that job. With this I mean that I want to be able to practicing some sport after my work schedule, have time to cook something to eat the next day at my job, time to have a pet and going for a walk, etc.  I imagine my dream job as a job  that I will do on a daily bases and I think about it more like an office kind of job, where I`ll do things in a desk and have to think in new projects, doing research and stuff like that.  When I think about the salary, I like to be ambitious about it even when it is a risky thing to do considering the labour market and the devaluation of the jobs today. I would like to earn a salary that allows me to pay my education debts and still have some of it for my basics needs and savings. It would make me very well for me and my mental health and stability as a young adult who is learning on

My best Holiday ever

The best vacation I've ever had was a trip I took to Easter Island with my whole family in 2015.   We were visiting the beautiful and diverse places of the island for two weeks during February of that year. Together with the family of my uncles and my cousins, we were touring the island. We went to visit the multiple groups of moai that are on the island, called Ahu, of which the Ahu Tongariki was the one that I liked the most because it was the bigger one. We also went to visit the volcanos in the island. There was the Rano Raraku volcano, the Rano Kau volcano, the Poike volcano anda the Ma`unga Terevaka mountain. We didn't visit the last two because we didn't had enough time in the island, but the other two, Rano Raraku and Rano Kau were beautiful places to visit, full of moais, history and attractions. The beaches on the other hand were incredible too. Anakena beach was the most beautiful of all with crystal water and cool waves. Ovahe beach was pretty too but smaller.

The city of love

The country I would like to visit one day of my life, as much as cliche it is, would be France, the city of love as i perceive it, because i would like to learn how to speak French, as my third language.  The things I know about France are few. I know that there is one of the most big and famous building in Europe, the Eiffel Tower, and that is definitely a place I would visit if I´d travel there.  I consider France as a country full of rich culture in many aspects. The national history itself, in first place is a very interesting attractive I would like to know directly form there. I imagine the amount of museums that someone could visit isn't small. the only one I could name is the Louvre, because it is really iconic.  The food, on the ot her hand, I think it would be my main weakness on the journey. I love the taste of new food so I think it would be cool and delicious.  Also, another way of get to know this country, in my opinion would be interacting with the French people in a