My Dream Job

When I think about the kind of job I want to have in the future, I think in one which I will be able to have time to recreate myself and do the things I also love besides that job. With this I mean that I want to be able to practicing some sport after my work schedule, have time to cook something to eat the next day at my job, time to have a pet and going for a walk, etc. 
I imagine my dream job as a job that I will do on a daily bases and I think about it more like an office kind of job, where I`ll do things in a desk and have to think in new projects, doing research and stuff like that. 
When I think about the salary, I like to be ambitious about it even when it is a risky thing to do considering the labour market and the devaluation of the jobs today. I would like to earn a salary that allows me to pay my education debts and still have some of it for my basics needs and savings. It would make me very well for me and my mental health and stability as a young adult who is learning on this long path called adulthood :(
When I think about doing a major or something to be an specialist, I am not very sure, because in terms of economic loans It will be something to add to my economic debts. in that case I would be so honor to have an scholarship or something alike that could help to be a better professional.
I think sometimes to become a teacher too, but it is an idea I am not very sure yet.
In the sociology area, I think there is big one to evolve and learn and I also think it would be a great idea to have a second degree to get different offers the moment to look for a new job whenever I want.

Emmanuelle Barozet: “Hay una distancia respecto del Chile que ve la élite  económica y el 99 por ciento del país” « Diario y Radio Universidad Chile
Emmanuelle Barozet - FACSO teacher.


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