My Dream Job
When I think about the kind of job I want to have in the future, I think in one which I will be able to have time to recreate myself and do the things I also love besides that job. With this I mean that I want to be able to practicing some sport after my work schedule, have time to cook something to eat the next day at my job, time to have a pet and going for a walk, etc. I imagine my dream job as a job that I will do on a daily bases and I think about it more like an office kind of job, where I`ll do things in a desk and have to think in new projects, doing research and stuff like that. When I think about the salary, I like to be ambitious about it even when it is a risky thing to do considering the labour market and the devaluation of the jobs today. I would like to earn a salary that allows me to pay my education debts and still have some of it for...